When Three Plus Three Equals Zero

Amelia Smith

Psalm 32: 1,2

“Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, who sin is covered. Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.”

            Three plus three equals zero. Wait a minute, that doesn’t make sense, at least not mathematically. However, many times in Scripture, God’s equations do not seem to make sense to our natural minds. So, how are we to see Psalm 32: 1,2 as three plus three equaling zero? 

            First, let’s unpack the historical significance of this psalm of David. After David is confronted by Nathan the prophet about his sin with Bathsheba and trying to cover up his adultery by his murderous staging of Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah to the front of the battlefield (2 Samuel 11, 12), David pens the sincere, penitent Psalm 51. When David mentions in Psalm 51 about wanting to teach transgressors God’s ways, he does just that in writing Psalm 32. David’s broken heart over his sin and his subsequent joy from knowing God’s complete forgiveness helps us appreciate David’s heart in Psalm 32.

            True happiness comes from being fully known and fully forgiven. So, as David states the three words for sin in verses 1,2: “transgression, sin and iniquity”, he then goes on and shows God’s remedy in a triplet of expression: “covered, forgiven and counting no iniquity against.” When we see the deformity of our sin, we truly appreciate the joy of seeing it no more; covered forever by God through the blood of His dear Son, Jesus! Psalm 32 begins: “blessed is the one and blessed is the man,” announcing the basis for our joy. As David knew this, so can we!

             In brokenness, we can acknowledge our sin to God; this is the meaning at the end of verse 2 in Psalm 32: “in whose spirit there is no deceit.” When we cover our sin, we are hiding, hoping we will not be found out. But, when God covers our sin, He cleanses us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). We can choose to not cover our sin any longer as we trust in the comfort of knowing that our confession leads to our pardon.  C. H. Spurgeon says about Psalm 32: “The trinity of sin is overcome by the Trinity of heaven.”             The good news of the gospel is that the price for our sin was paid by our Savior Jesus Christ as He bore our sins on the cruel cross of Calvary. Our debt was cancelled.  There is, dear friend, an almost unexplainable joy in knowing we are forgiven and set free by the God who made us and loves us. We can draw near to God (Hebrews 4:16) and receive His mercy.  To the world, it is foolishness; three plus three always equals six; but to the believer who walks in the forgiveness of God, three plus three always equals zero. Now, that’s math we can count on!

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