“The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, and who look forward to something greater to come.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

At Christmastime, we think of the season of Advent. Advent means “the arrival or coming of, especially for one which is awaited.” With all the hustle and bustle of the season, it’s still possible to take in the beauty of waiting. Advent is a season for us to pause, ponder and pray. Advent is a time we can remind ourselves of the simplicity of Jesus’ humble birth. His birth trumpeted the joyous call that Hope had come! Focusing this season on the gift of God as He gave His only Son, Jesus, born in a lowly manger, yet the cross in his future. Hard as it can be, with so many demands, distractions, worries and struggles, God can help us see this season as a bit of a “reset” in our walk with Him.

My Christmas cactus has become a symbol of this season of hopeful expectation for me. Throughout the year, I fertilize, water and hope that mid-November, I’ll see tiny red blossoms peeking their way at the end of their shoots.

My Christmas cactus helps me reset. Its downward bending shoots ending with a brilliant cascade of red blossoms reminds me that God sent His Son, Jesus who bent down, stooped low, condescended, sacrificing His life to save me. God pursued me, and He continues to pursue me and you as well, wooing us to Himself with His steadfast love, mercy and grace. My cactus reminds me to pause and take in the simple beauty of a plant I’ve nurtured all year long, and now see the fruit of my labor emerging. My Christmas cactus is growing in ways I don’t see during the year. Deep beneath the surface of the soil, nutrients and water are stored so that the flame red blossoms can appear in due time.

Sweet friend, there’s a parallel here to our faith journeys.

Advent affords us the hidden opportunity to:

  • Pause-Take in the beauty of the season. Walk outside and thankfully observe the changing leaves, or even the snow(depending on where you may live). Breathe in the joy God offers us through this moment of reflection. Breathe out the cares that may weigh you down right now. God is not far off. He is near. Remember that God is at work in ways we cannot always see.
  • Ponder-So many things clamor for our attention, don’t they, especially at Christmastime? I have to be intentional in this point of pondering. I’m usually way more focused on the next task on my list! But, Mary, Jesus’ mother “kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.”(Luke 2:19). Maybe it’s time to slow down and savor time with Jesus, to allow the wonder of Immanuel, God with us, to fill our souls.
  • Pray-Going into this season, I asked the Lord to help me see my need for Jesus once again. In John 1, we see that the Word(Jesus) gives life and light. In every season, not just Advent, am I desperate enough, or brave enough to admit that I need that light?
  • Purposeful -maybe, you have an opportunity to serve this season, a ministry in need of help, or a local family in need?
  • Planting-Advent can be a perfect time to plant seeds for the spring: it’s not too late in most regions to plant bulbs for April or May emergence. Maybe you’re now curious about the Christmas Cactus; they’re super affordable(usually under $10 for a 4-inch pot) and easy to find at plant nurseries or home improvement stores. This is one of my favorite times of the year to get my hands in the dirt! Maybe you can plan for your spring garden!

Maybe it’s time to reclaim Christmas by asking ourselves these questions:

~What is really important to me?

~What meaningful experiences can I include in our Advent season planning this year?

Writing these answers down may help give focus to what has seemed unclear about this season for you.

Dear friend, my prayer for you as you go through this Advent season, is that you know how much God loves you! His love is deeper than any pain you experience. His peace is more powerful than any struggle you may encounter. He offers us His joy, unending and inexpressible, if only we have the courage to surrender to Him; daily, sometimes even minute by minute.



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