
I’ve loved all things gardening since I was a little girl, hands in the dirt alongside Mother as she planted, pruned, nurtured and transplanted her plants. She invited me into her world of gardening. And now, years later, I’m inviting you into mine.

Welcome to my garden, friend.

Letting your Garden Rest

Ever heard, “Even a 5-year-old can do it!” Well, my 5-year-old grandson loves to get in my raised beds and help. But at the end of growing season, it’s time to clean things up a bit. If you’re in between growing seasons, it may be a good time to let your garden...

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The Space Between: Hope in the Waiting

When I garden, I plan, plant, nurture and wait. In the waiting, I’m hoping soon to see blossoms on my plants. The blossom is the promise of fruit or flower in the days to come. There’s a tension in that waiting, when I’m hoping that my time in the dirt has paid...

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Advent and my Christmas Cactus

“The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, and who look forward to something greater to come.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer At Christmastime, we think of the season of Advent. Advent means...

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